
Tri-Valley Heartland Express (T.H.E. Bus)
T.H.E. Bus is a curb to curb service and provides public transportation services to the general public. Public transport buses are available with no age limits or income guidelines. Transportation services are used for a variety of reasons which include: medical, nutritional, social, recreational, shopping, work, school, and other personal activities.
Agency: Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc.
Contact: 1.800.201.3432

Rural Transportation Collaborative (RTC)
RTC is a partnership program that coordinates volunteer drivers to transport those who have no other means of transportation or cannot drive. RTC is a curb to curb, mileage based public transportation volunteer driver program. People are transported for medical, dental, court, visitations and other approved purposes.
Agency: Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc.
Contact: 1.866.884.2695